Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Avdelning elegant humor

Alltså... detta med rysk humor... Pratade med en kompis i Moskva och frågade om typiska skämt bland det klientel som han jobbar med, dvs Moskvas sjukt rika. Han gav mig några smakprov:

Oligarch joke 1: "Why is a divorce worse than a (financial) crisis?
- You loose half your money, but you still have the fucking wife!”

Oligarch joke 2: "This guy is 70 years old and he is married to a 20 years old girl, and you ask the girl: How could you be married to a 70 year old? She says: "I love him so much". Then you ask the guy: "How did you manage to get this young girl?"
- I told her I was 90.""

Oligarch joke 3: "Why is Arnold Schwarzenegger's cottage so cheap?
- It's so far away from Rublovka!"*

*Prestigefullt bostadsområde utanför Moskva med de högsta fastighetspriserna i världen.

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